Plan A Visit

If it's your first time at St. Marks, you are our honored guest. We do church a little differently than other places, so here are a few answered questions to help plan your trip.

Where do I go when I get there?

Well let us first ask which service you are attending. 

If you are here for Traditions (9:00 am service) make your way into the main church building through the double set of glass doors closest to the main driveway. 

If you are attending The Gathering (10:45 am service), make your way on over to The DOCK, the building at the back of our parking lot!

As you are walking into the building, our greeting team will meet you and show you where to find anything you need... restrooms, children's spaces, etc. If you need anything throughout the morning - mints, a Bible, pen - feel free to stop by a connection center. We can't wait to meet you!

What do you do for kids?

At St. Marks we welcome children of all ages as important members of the church, and we welcome the sounds and activity that accompany them!  While we encourage your children to worship with you, we realize that there are times when they (or you) need a break.  For that reason please feel free to utilize the following spaces:


Traditional Worship

  • The Nursery is staffed by trained servant leaders for children 6 weeks to 4 years of age. The nursery

    is located at the back of the Sanctuary behind the Connection Center.  There is comfy seating, age-appropriate toys, Sound is piped in so families can hear what’s happening in worship while children can play freely.  

  • Backstage Kids

     is a worship experience designed for children 5 years old - 4th grade and meets in our kids room at the back of the sanctuary.  Children are dismissed to Backstage Kids immediately following the Children's Message and remain until the end of worship.  Backstage Kids meets the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Sundays of the month. 


Contemporary Worship

  • The Nursery is staffed by trained servant leaders for children 6 weeks to 4 years of age. The nursery is located through the double doors to the right of the stage. 
  • Backstage Kids  is a worship experience designed for children 5 years old - 4th grade and meets "backstage".  Children are dismissed to Backstage Kids immediately following the Children's Message and remain until the end of worship.  Backstage Kids meets the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Sundays of the month.  

How long is the service?

The services last approximately one hour. We start by singing a few songs together and then our speaker preaches. If you want to see our preaching style, check out our current series.

What should I wear?

Don't feel like you have to dress up. Most people wear casual attire, but you are welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable.

Can I attend if I'm ________?

Fill in the blank with whatever fear you have about not being accepted: divorced, single parent, broke, recovering addict, gay, transgender, atheist, skeptic, etc. Everyone is welcome at St. Marks. So come as you are and we'll see you on Sunday!